Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Twenty five days to Christmas

I was sitting here trying not to feel sorry for myself and the thought flew into my brain that I could give a present a day for the next 25 days. I have lots of stuff that someone else would like ...it doesnt have to be NEW but it could be....and then I thought if all my internet friends did the same thing ...we might start a revolution.

SO I am challenging you all to join me in this project. Some days it won't be easy...like tomorrow when I have to hang a show BUT I do think it could be done. Just think how much better the world will be if we all make a concerted effort to give a present a day for the next twenty five days.

I read this one on the Karma project on FB that I liked. If you see some homeless people panhandling, go to a fast food place and buy them a lunch at the drive through. It will brighten their day and it will brighten yours!!

So let me know what you are doing....my first one is going in a box to my nieces today. They will LOVE it! A singing Christmas tree!!! WOOT:>


  1. This reminds me of when I was about 5 years old and in kindergarten. I used to fill up a basket with toys and go around to all the children who didn't seem to have someone to play with or who looked a little lost and I would give them a toy from the basket.

    I still love to give people things.... it makes me happier than getting things by far! I try every year to give something every day during this season, even if it is something very small. Today I sent off a box of used books to my 9 year old cousin who never has enough money to buy books of his own.

    Thanks for posting!

  2. What a great idea Margaret.
    Today I'm bringing some of my homemade chicken soup to John and Lynn, and also to Betty and Ken and the third container will go to ?

  3. I sent an apple-spice cake into work with Michael this morning and gave cookies to the guys working on my deck...do they count?

    This is a great idea....
